What is coaching?
Coaching can be defined as the process of the development of a person’s abilities and skills managed by a qualified professional (coach), who identifies areas for potential growth and defines a programme for the achievement of personal and/or professional goals.

Who is a mental coach?
mental coach is therefore a coaching professional who helps his clients to use their potentials to the full, for the successful achievement of set goals and targets.

As a mental coach, I help the people who seek my advice, individually or within an organisation, to ensure that their performance comes up to their potential, for the achievement of the chosen goals. I am a “trainer”, who helps and supports the Client, not acting for him but helping him to find the right method and pathway for achievement of the desired result - in other words, helping him to identify a plan of action.

I support my clients in successfully dealing with change, providing guidance and tools for the achievement of the desired purpose. Sometimes what we want is not clear and defined: as a mental coach, I support and guide my clients in achieving clarity and understanding how they can achieve their aims.

I am a professional who supports and guides her clients:

  • in setting and achieving their goals;

  • in ensuring that performance equals potential;

  • by providing motivation and support;

  • by stimulating attention and concentration.

  • by helping the client to gain self-confidence and a positive, dynamic mentality.

As Sir John Whitmore – one of the fathers of coaching – maintained, “Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximize their own performance ……. coaching focuses on future possibilities, not past mistakes”, and also: “Creating awareness and responsibility is the essence of good coaching”.